[Listening]_Warm up

This is a forum for discussion on one topic of the unit.

In each topic, you need to post your writing/recording and reply to your friends’ posts for further discussion.

Please submit your work by replying to the topic below. 

Note: To make your recording visible in the thread, please follow the instruction in the video 

Vocaroo linkhttps://vocaroo.com/ 

Any copy from your friends’ work will result in being deleted and not being graded. 


Here are some COMMUNICATION RULES for writing discussion in this forum and other forums of our class.

  1. Use polite language; show politeness

  2. Show respect for your friends’ opinions

  3. Reduce using words that may cause anger, violence, or insult

DiscussionStarted byRepliesLast post
Are there people who need help in your community? 0 TRAN HA DONG CHAU