Facts of foods
by Lê Thùy Khánh An - Read the text about facts of foods.
The foods most commonly causing allergies are milk, wheat, eggs, soya, fish, peanuts, shellfish (including mussels, crab and shrimp).
Bad Breath
The foods which may spoil your breath for days after a meal are onion, garlic, cabbage, curry, alcohol.
Foods and drinks which strongly stimulate the body can cause stress. These foods are coffee, tea, cola, chocolate, alcohol, refined sugar, white fl our, salt, and processed foods such as junk foods and fast foods.
There are foods that can help you fall asleep or keep you awake. Foods that stop your sleep are: caffeine containing drinks, alcohol, sugar, fatty or spicy food, food additives (seasonings, artificial colours, flavourings).
Do you have some of these foods on your list? Which ones?