[Assignment] U2-Survey and report
Your doctor would like some information about your usual food habits to help plan the best possibleĀ health care for you and your friends. Conduct the survey, using the questions below and compile theĀ findings into a report.
1. Who shops for food at your home? ______________________
2. Who prepares your meals? _____________________________
3. What do you drink during the day? ______________________
4. What kind of meat do you usually eat? ___ steaks, ___ pork,
___beef, ___ chicken, ___ fi sh, ___ others, please specify: _____________________________________
5. Do you have a lot of vegetables with your meals? ___ Yes ___ No
6. Do you add salt to your food when you eat? ___ Yes ___ No
7. How many times a day do you eat? _______________________.