Enhancing Scholarly Publications for ELT Lecturers in Higher Education


Research is identified to be a powerful tool for advancing our comprehension of the world, particularly within the context of professional teaching practices. This training program serves as a gateway, offering participants advanced knowledge and practical skills essential for designing, conducting, and reporting research in English language teaching and learning. Participants will immerse themselves in the diverse landscape of research publications in English language education, exploring publication types, impact factors, and the unique challenges within the field. They are supported to develop the skills to select suitable ELT journals, align research goals, and conduct comprehensive literature reviews. They are also guided to design robust research, formulate precise questions, choose suitable methodologies, and interpret the data collected from their research instruments. The program is particularly tailored for early-career researchers, cultivating a sense of independence in research activities to enhance the motivation for continued scholarly pursuits. This dynamic course empowers individuals to navigate the intricate landscape of research with confidence and purpose.


  • Gain insights into the fundamentals of academic publishing, including different publication types and the significance of impact factors;
  • Understand the challenges of doing research and academic publications in ELT;
  • Develop the ability to select suitable ELT journals by understanding criteria, exploring resources, and aligning research goals with journal scopes;
  • Enhance skills in conducting comprehensive literature reviews, identifying research gaps, and synthesizing existing literature in ELT;
  • Develop the ability to design robust research, formulate clear research questions, and choose appropriate methods;
  • Develop appropriate research instruments and collect suitable data, ensuring rigorous consideration of reliability and validity;
  • Employ suitable techniques for data analysis and interpretation;
  • Apply effective manuscript structuring techniques to ensure clarity, coherence, and adherence to academic writing conventions.


  1. Basics of Academic Publishing
  2. Identifying Suitable Journals
  3. Research Gaps
  4. Research Design
  5. Instrument Development
  6. Data Analysis and Interpretation
  7. Manuscript Preparation