Course navigation and Instructor information

Hello everyone,

My name is Tran Nguyen Tram Anh and I am a teacher of this English Grade 10 E-Learning Course

The time of class: 6:30 Monday

Before starting learning this course, please check this announcement and read the instruction information section for a more detailed guide!

This is our coursebook and cd audio:

Specialized goals

1. Language focus:

- To provide learners some language items in Unit 2

-  For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to the environment.

-  For pronunciation, that is how to pronounce /kl/, /pl/, /gr/, and /pr/

-  For grammar: + the distinction between the future with will and be going to

                        + Passive voice

2. Skills:   - To promote Ss to develop the skill of working individually, in pairs, and peer assessment 

3. Attitudes: - To encourage Ss to work harder

                     - To provide Ss some motivation


How to complete the topic:

The following actions must be completed on this topic:

1. Read the instructions carefully in the 

2. See the  of the topic:

In this stage, you will have to visit all the resources for self-learning and watching the video lectures.

- You will have ppt file to practice by yourself and you can also do the task in the coursebook in the activities.

- For learning the vocabulary, there is a page to learn, play vocabulary games or self-test to learn new words.

- For grammar, you will have video instruction.

- For learning the lesson of skills in the textbook, first, learn through the video lectures, then do the tasks in the coursebook by yourself, checking answers and reading the instruction on how to do those tasks

3. Do the of the topic:

- Each unit will be divided into 4 stages:

+ Stage 1: Self-quiz for vocabulary, grammar, reading, and listening

+ Stage 2: First, read the tips file for more success in this activity, then practice the speaking by uploading your self-video (There will be specific notifications for each forum),

+ Stage 3: For writing skill, First, read the tips file for more success in this activity, then submit your self- writing files in the assignment

+ Stage 4: This is the group challenge, read the detailed information and instructions then do the project (remember to read the description), final, after each group uploads the project, please peer assess another group!

4. The work amount required to perform the above activities is as follows:

  • Visit the course at least 2 times a week, at least 30 minutes each time;
  • Write at least 2 posts on the forum of speaking and 1 project group challenge
  • Do at least once each self-assessment exercise with a score of 50% or higher
Last modified: Tuesday, 20 December 2022, 9:42 PM