Speaking exercise
Make a list of Dos and Don’ts in order to kick that habit. Record your voice or video and submit your work to share the list with the class.
*Note: Pay attention to which type of files you submit must be belonged to these names below.
- Archive files .7z .bdoc .cdoc .ddoc .gtar .tgz .gz .gzip .hqx .rar .sit .tar .zip
- Audio files .aac .aif .aiff .aifc .au .flac .m3u .mp3 .m4a .oga .ogg .ra .ram .rm .wav .wma
- Audio files natively supported by browsers .aac .flac .mp3 .m4a .oga .ogg .wav
- Audio files used on the web .aac .flac .mp3 .m4a .oga .ogg .ra .wav
- Video files .3gp .avi .dv .dif .flv .f4v .mov .movie .mp4 .m4v .mpeg .mpe .mpg .ogv .qt .rmvb .rv .swf .swfl .webm .wmv .asf
- Video files natively supported by browsers .mov .mp4 .m4v .ogv .webm
- Video files used on the web .avi .flv .f4v .mov .mp4 .m4v .mpeg .mpe .mpg .ogv .qt .swf .swfl .webm
- Web files .css .html .xhtml .htm .js .scss