Teacher's foreword - for students

Hello, all future students!

My name is Phan Cảnh Đăng Viên, a newly assigned teacher of your school.

In the first semester of your 10th grade, I am currently in charge of your class, and I wish we can collaborate with each other to have the best learning experience for you all.

I have provided the Student's Coursebook of this course, Tiếng Anh 10, Tập 1, in the Student's Resource section. You can find the book there to download and learn at your own pace. As a student, DO NOT touch any of the Teacher's Resource from the instruction, although I cannot forbid you to do that.

Additionally, an Assessment Scheme file is also included in the Student's Resource section. Be sure to check it out to have idea how the grades are decided in this course.

I hope you can find joy in your study, while getting the best grade in this semester!

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